From very far back in time.. 10 years ago..
And here I am, back to the loneliness of my cub, back to the dark place
in my heart, where sadness rules. I saw her today, and she was so warm, I
was so cold treated though. It feels like I'm begging for... dunno
what. And here, on my dark place, I just wonder, wonder how'd her lips
taste, how'd a whisper impact deep... but, then back to real I see her
gone.. out of sight, and me, back to this place. Nothing, there's
nothing I'd want more to hold her hands and look her eyes, endless hope,
hugs, romance... All I can do is dream, but each time the dreams fall
apart onto reality arms... reaching... scratching, hunger for love it
is. But as I do have love on me, it's given away and never comes back...
Will I run out of it some day.. Uncertain it is for sure. Got to get
myself out of this place, but then I feel more cold out there, and don't
have a shelter where to run. Getting out of my hands this feeling is.
Shall I quit it, shall I swallow it and digest it as a fantasy it is.. do
not think it'll be that simple. Running out of ideas I am... yearning
for help!
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